Marxist approach to International Relations

The Marxist approach to the study of international relational is unconventional, as it insists on the need for change, unlike the realist and liberals. It is not status-quoits and stands for radical change of the existing international/world order. Liberals and Realist theories hold that power is organized vertically, reflecting the division of the world into independent states, Marxism advances a theory of horizontal organization based on international class. Marxist agrees that the social world must be viewed and analyzed in totality. They insist that understanding one without knowledge of the other is not possible because the social world can only be studied as a whole. Another key element of the Marxist approach is the materialist conception of history. Economic development serves as the motor of history. The central dynamic that Marx identifies is tension between means of production and relations of production that together form the economic base of a given society. The legal,...

Constitutionalism (IGNOU/ UPSC/ STATE EXAMS)

 Constitutionalism means limited government or limitation on government. It is an antithesis of arbitrary powers. Constitutionalism recognizes the need for government with powers but at the same time insists that limitation be placed on those powers. 

CONSTITUTION AS A FRAMEWORK: The constitution of a country is the framework within which the state and the entire political system operate by determining the limits of power of the sovereign and the rights of the people. Setting up a constitution achieves two fundamental objectives; i) It separates the state and the civil society ii) It frees state authority from the whims of a ruler.

STATE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: When the state controls the affairs of the civil society, the system is totalitarianism. In societies driven by communal and ethnic extremism, sometimes the state becomes subservient to sectional interest. Therefore neutrality  of the sate power is essential condition of its stability. For  instance the very First amendment to United Sates constitution laid down that the Congress would not muddle with religious affairs.

RULE OF LAW: Constitutionalism is actually a sub-set of the rule of law. Its special feature is treating the constitutional law as the highest law of the land. It requires an independent judiciary, the members of which are expected to be persons of legal knowledge and integrity. Judicial review and various writs like habeas corpus and mandamus guarantee the rights of citizens from judiciary's power to interpret and apply law.

ARMY AND BUREAUCRACY: A non-political army and a non-partisan bureaucracy are among the highest requirements of constitutionalism. The army looks after the defense of the country, the police forces look after the law and order and the bureaucracy administers the policies of the state. The bureaucracy is the chief link between the state and the people and the chief agent of the state's development activities. The bureaucracy and the army are accountable to the political executive that, in a democracy, represents the people.


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