Marxist approach to International Relations

The Marxist approach to the study of international relational is unconventional, as it insists on the need for change, unlike the realist and liberals. It is not status-quoits and stands for radical change of the existing international/world order. Liberals and Realist theories hold that power is organized vertically, reflecting the division of the world into independent states, Marxism advances a theory of horizontal organization based on international class. Marxist agrees that the social world must be viewed and analyzed in totality. They insist that understanding one without knowledge of the other is not possible because the social world can only be studied as a whole. Another key element of the Marxist approach is the materialist conception of history. Economic development serves as the motor of history. The central dynamic that Marx identifies is tension between means of production and relations of production that together form the economic base of a given society. The legal,...

Explain the role of media in Indian democracy (IGNOU/UPSC/STATE EXAMS)

The Press or the Media is regarded as the fourth most powerful institution of democracy after Legislative, Executive and Judiciary, as it has the potential to mold the public opinion and influence the public policy.

POLITICS AND MEDIA:                                                                   Government officials and political candidates use the media to advance their agendas. People rely more and more on the social media to judge how their leaders campaign, govern, shape public policy and communicate their ideas. They start following certain political groups by tweeting and gets engaged in political activities like writing blogs in support of a group or against a group, capturing violence videos and spreading news etc.                                               Indian political parties are utilizing the internet and social media to connect with youth for their agenda and political events. Almost every political party and their respective candidate have social media pages and their teams run campaign vehemently, and greater resources are being invested in digital campaign. As per 2015 census, India possessess 53.1 million active social media users.

MEDIA IN PROTECTING FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION:                                                In a democracy, people have the right to elect their government. And media plays a significant role to protect the freedom of expression  i.e citizens rights to share information and express different range of ideas, opinions and political views. Media has helped people be well informed to make appropriate and meaningful political choices, whether at the ballot box or in their interactions with government more generally. 

MEDIA'S IMPACT ON SOCIETY:                                                              Media performs the crucial role of being a watchdog over the government. It educates people about the issues that affect their lives. For instance exposing the Hindu Bofors scandal where for the first time corruption became an intensely public and political issue.                                                                    Media acts as a bridge for communication where it creates awareness and sensitizes even the rural communities. Example spreading awareness about government schemes and their benefits through radio, television, social media, flyers etc.

NEW MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES AND DEMOCRACY:                                               The emergence of Information Technologies has brought many new changes in the nature of press. The information is readily available on the net, which has reduced the dependence of the readers or citizens on newspapers. The government is now using only internet and other digital technologies to transact day to day business like submitting applications, filling forms, issuing orders and notices etc. what we call as e-governance.

      It is evident that media is a powerful tool of disseminating information, educating people on major issues and also of entertaining them. It is the power of media to influence the public opinion which sometime forces the governments to impose draconian measures like censorship.


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